IP Stats Data Feed

The Netify IP Stats Data Feed provides network intelligence data that is typically used for:

  • Investigating IP behavior
  • Analyzing IP protocol and port patterns
  • Managing geographic IP performance
  • Extending IP-based machine learning models
  • Enhancing cybersecurity tools

You can find technical details about the information provided by the API in the Data Payload section below. For Netify Data Feeds product information, please click on the button below.

Netify Data Feeds Overview

Getting Started

You can find general Netify REST API information on Authentication, Response Codes, and other topics in the menu. You can also find JSON format information on our standard data objects: IP object, application object, etc.

Postman Documentation

API Quick Reference

Route https://feeds.netify.ai/api/v2/stats/ips/{ip_address}
Authentication x-api-key
Pagination not applicable

Data Payload

The Netify IP Stats Data Feed is an API that provides the following application details:

  • IP address analysis
  • Application stats
  • Hostname stats
  • Protocol port stats
  • Source country stats

We break down each of these items in the following sections.

JSON Overview

"data": {
    { IP Object:
        { rDNS Object },
        { TLS Certificate Object },
        { Application Object },
        { Platform Object },
        { PoP Object }
    { Application Stats },
    { Hostname Stats },
    { Protocol Port Stats },
    { Source Country Stats },

IP Object

The IP field in the JSON payload provides general information about the IP address. See the IP Object documentation for more information on the JSON payload details.

"ip": {
    "address": "",
    "version": "ipv4",
    "shared": true,
    "shared_score": 95,
    "rdns": {
        "hostname": "ec2-13-55-4-2.ap-...",
        { Application Object }
    "tls_certificate": {
        "common_name": "t.nc0.co",
        { Application Object }
    "pop": {
        "id": 80,
        "label": "Asia Pacific (Sydney)",
        "internal_tag": "ap-southeast-2",

Application Stats

If application data has been detected on the requested IP address, the application_stats field provides some basic network statistics. It is common - especially on edge content delivery networks (CDNs) - to see multiple applications share the same IP address.

See the Application Object documentation for more information on the application object.

"application_stats": [
        { Application Object },
        "stats": {
            "flow_percent": "46.17",
            "byte_percent": "60.45",
            "average_bytes_per_flow": 67000

Hostname Stats

If hostnames data has been detected on the requested IP address, the hostname_stats field provides some basic network statistics. It is common to see multiple hostnames share the same IP address.

The hostname_hint field provides some useful clues on related hostnames associated with the primary hostname. This field often contains a DNS Alias (CNAME) relationship, but can also be an unrelated hostname that just happens to share the same IP.

See the Application Object documentation for more information on the application object.

"hostname_stats": [
        "hostname_info": {
            "hostname": "audio-fa.scdn.co",
            "hostname_hint": "audio-fa.scdn.co",
            { Application Object }
        "stats": {
            "flow_percent": "0.263",
            "byte_percent": "43.16",
            "average_bytes_per_flow": 27900000

Protocol Port Stats

If protocol data has been detected on the requested IP address, the protocol_port_stats field provides some basic network statistics. Here's what the data looks like in table format:

Protocol Port Flow Percent
HTTP TCP 80 82
HTTPS TCP 443 11%
HTTP TCP 1119 6%
StarCraft TCP 1119 < 1%
HTTP TCP 3724 < 1%
"protocol_port_stats": [
        "protocol_port": {
            "ip_protocol": {
                "id": 6,
                "label": "TCP"
            "protocol": {
                "id": 196,
                "tag": "https",
                "label": "HTTPS"
            "port": 443
        "stats": {
            "flow_percent": "97.28",
            "byte_percent": "99.98",
            "average_bytes_per_flow": 175000

Source Country Stats

If source country data has been detected on the requested IP address, the source_country_stats field provides some basic network statistics.

This data can be used to correlate Anycast IP addresses, as well provide hints on DNS-based geographical routing done by CDNs.

"source_country_stats": [
        "country": {
            "code": "US",
            "label": "United States"
        "stats": {
            "flow_percent": "91.93",
            "byte_percent": "93.09",
            "average_bytes_per_flow": 172000

Other Data Feeds

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