MTN - Johannesburg

The following page provides details on IPs, network ranges, and edge caches for MTN in Johannesburg.

What is MTN?

MTN - Logo

MTN is a telecommunications company that operates in several African, European, and Asian countries. MTN primarily offers mobile telecommunications services, including voice, data, and digital services.

Network Information MTN - Network Map

Network Intelligence

The network data shown here is also available via the Netify Data Feed API. We provide network intelligence to help deliver better digital experiences to end users and businesses.

Netify Data Feeds

MTN - Network Ranges - Johannesburg

IPv4 Network Ranges

  • and 4 more

IPv6 Network Ranges


Network Ranges and Routes
The networks listed here are low-level detailed routes - either BGP or internal. See What Is BGP for technical details.

MTN - Network Map - Johannesburg

South Africa
Point of Presence
What is a Point of Presence?
In order to get information to end users more quickly, many applications are distributed from multiple locations around the globe.
For ISPs/Telcos, we only provide the PoPs providing edge caching or important network exchanges.

MTN - Edge Caches - Johannesburg

Name IP Info Link
Meta CDN - Logo Meta CDN 22 IPs CDN Info
Netflix CDN - Logo Netflix CDN 4 IPs CDN Info
Akamai - Logo Akamai 69 IPs CDN Info
Why Edge Caching?
Some Content delivery networks (CDNs) partner with Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and network providers to get content delivery closer to customers. More Info.

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