Response Codes

The Netify Data Feeds API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the return status of an API request. These response codes are summarized below.

Code Response
200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
409 Conflict
422 Validation Error
429 Too Many Requests
500 Server Error

Extended Error Information

In addition to the HTTP response codes, a status code and message may also be passed in the JSON payload. Here's an example:

    "status_code": "403.000",
    "status_message": "Missing organization information for given site UUID."

Please keep in mind, not all errors will return this extended information, for example, error 429 (too many requests).

Validation Handling

The Netify Data Feeds API provides extended validation information in the response payload. When a validation error occurs (HTTP Response code 422), the status_fields object returns detailed validation information on each field.

    "status_code": "422.000",
    "status_message": "Validation error",
    "status_fields": {
        "key": [ "The application ID or tag format is invalid." ],
        "label": [ "Label must be more than 2 characters." ]

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