IP Object

Object Information

Address and Version

The address and ip_version are the required fields in the IP Object. Other fields may or not be present.

Shared/Shared Score

The shared and shared_score provide information on IP sharing. Every IP is given a score from 0 (dedicated) to 100 (shared). This score is published in the shared_score field. If the score is above 50, the shared flag is set to true. Details on the scores are provided in the table below.

Score Description
-1 Analysis has not been completed.
0-10 Dedicated IP detected: dedicated network ASNs, IP certificate matches, reverse DNS matches.
10-20 Dedicated IP detected, high probability.
20-40 Dedicated IP detected, but possibility of sharing detected through heuristics / machine learning.
40-60 Gah. This often happens when IPs are churned (dedicated to one app, then later dedicated to a different app).
60-80 Shared IP detected, but possibility that it is dedicated.
80-90 Shared IP detected, high probability.
90-100 Shared IP detected: raw Netify intelligence data confirms sharing.

rDNS / Reverse DNS

The rdns JSON block provides the hostname (reverse DNS lookup) of the IP, along with the application object associated with the hostname (if applicable).

TLS Certificate

The tls_certificate field provides the common name of the IP's TLS certificate, along with the application object associated with the common name (if applicable). For example, the "nc0.co" common name in the example JSON is associated with Ensighten - a cloud-based cybersecurity provider.


If the IP address is dedicated to a single application, the application object is included in the JSON payload.

Note: if the IP address is shared by multiple applications, you can retrieve the application list from the IP Stats Data Feed.


If the IP address is associated with a platform (e.g. a CDN), the associated platform object is included in the JSON payload.

Network - PoP

If point-of-presence and network data is available for the IP address, the PoP object details will be provided in the payload.

In the adjacent JSON example, the is associated with the Amazon AWS (network) in the Asia Pacific - Sydney data center (point-of-presence).


The ASN (Autonomous System Number) provides the network and routing information for the given IP address. If the entity that manages the ASN is known, the entity JSON block provides these additional details.


For customers subscribed to the Stats Dafa Feed, the geolocation information is provied.

IP Object JSON Overview

"ip": {
    "address": "",
    "version": "ipv4",
    "shared": true,
    "shared_score": 95, 
    { rDNS Object },
    { TLS Certificate Object },
    { Application Object },
    { Platform Object },
    { PoP Object }

IP Object JSON Example

"ip": {
   "address": "",
   "version": "ipv4",
   "shared": true,
   "shared_score": 95, 
   "rdns": {
      "hostname": "ec2-13-55-4-2.ap-southeast...",
      { Application Object for rDNS hostname }
   "tls_certificate": {
      "common_name": "t.nc0.co",
      { Application Object for TLS common name }
   "platform": {
      "id": 10843,
      "tag": "ensighten",
      "label": "Ensighten",
      "description": "Ensighten is a ...",
   "pop": {
      "id": 80,
      "label": "Asia Pacific (Sydney)",
      "internal_tag": "ap-southeast-2",
      "geolocation": {
         "city": {
            "geoname_id": 2147714,
            "label": "Sydney"
         "country": {
            "code": "AU",
            "label": "Australia"
         "continent": {
            "code": "OC",
            "label": "Oceania"
         "coordinates": {
            "scale": "city",
            "latitude": "-33.86785",
            "longitude": "151.20732"
      "network": {
         "id": 10091,
         "tag": "amazon-aws",
         "label": "Amazon AWS",
         "category": {
            "id": 36,
            "tag": "hosting",
            "label": "Hosting"
         "favicon": "https://static.netify.ai...",
         "icon": "https://static.netify.ai...",
         "logo": "https://static.netify.ai...",
   "asn": {
      "tag": "AS16509",
      "label": "Amazon.com Inc",
      "route": "",
      "entity": {
         "id": 178,
         "tag": "amazon",
         "label": "Amazon",
         "category": {
            "id": 5,
            "tag": "business",
            "label": "Business"
   "geolocation": {
      "city": {
         "geoname_id": 2147714,
         "label": "Sydney"
      "region": {
         "geoname_id": 2155400,
         "label": "New South Wales"
      "country": {
         "code": "AU",
         "label": "Australia"
      "coordinates": {
         "scale": "city",
         "latitude": "-33.87150",
         "longitude": "151.20060"

Other Data Objects

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