Netify Python Binding Extension Plugin
Netify Python plugin allows an integrator to work with events and data objects in the Python scripting language.
Netify Python Binding Extension Plugin is a proprietary plugin requiring a license. Please contact us for details.
Netify plugins are packaged in the same workflow as the agent and can usually be installed using a similar syntax that was implemented during the installation of the Netify agent. Exceptions to this rule occur when the plugin requires a Software License Agreement or if an upgrade or downgrade to a different version of the plugin is required.
Alma Linux
Alma Linux 9
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-python_1.0.22-1.os9.x86_64.rpm
Alma Linux 8
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
yum install ./netify-python_1.0.22-1.os8.x86_64.rpm
Debian 13 (Bookworm)
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-python_1.0.22-1_amd64.deb
Debian 11 (Bullseye)
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-python_1.0.22-1_amd64.deb
Debian 10 (Buster)
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-python_1.0.22-1_amd64.deb
OpenWRT 23.05
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
pkg add
OpenWRT 22.03
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
pkg add
OpenWRT 21.02
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
pkg add
OpenWRT 19.07
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
pkg add
OPNsense 24.1 - Savvy Shark
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
pkg add,1.pkg
OPNsense 23.7 - Restless Roadrunner
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
pkg add,1.pkg
pfSense Plus 23.x
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
pkg add,1.pkg
pfSense CE 2.7.x
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
pkg add,1.pkg
Rocky Linux
Rocky Linux 9
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-python_1.0.22-1.os9.x86_64.rpm
Rocky Linux 8
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
yum install ./netify-python_1.0.22-1.os8.x86_64.rpm
openSUSE Linux
openSUSE Leap 15.5
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
zypper install ./netify-python_1.0.22-1.os15.5.x86_64.rpm
Ubuntu 24.04 - Noble
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-python_1.0.22-1_amd64.deb
Ubuntu 22.04 - Jammy
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-python_1.0.22-1_amd64.deb
Ubuntu 20.04 - Focal
The Netify Python Binding Extension plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-python_1.0.22-1_amd64.deb
Plugin Loader Configuration
All plugins are disabled by default, and the Netify Python Binding Extension Processor plugin is no different. To enable:
netifyd --enable-plugin proc-python
Alternatively, you can edit /etc/netifyd/plugins.d/10-netify-proc-python.conf and set enable to yes.
# Netify Python Binding Extension Processor Plugin Loader
# Copyright (C) 2024 eGloo Incorporated
enable = yes
plugin_library = /usr/lib64/
conf_filename = ${path_state_persistent}/netify-proc-python.json
# vim: set ft=dosini :
Plugin Configuration
Once the plugin has been enabled, it can be configured using the JSON configuration file specified in the plugin loader configuration. Let's look at a configuration sample to review the syntax and parts of the file.
"debug": false,
"script": "${path_state_persistent}/netify-proc-python/netify-proc-python.python"
Property | debug |
Description | Debug enable/disable. |
Type | boolean |
Property | script |
Description | The location of the Python script. |
Type | string |
Python Sample Code
Send device discovery data to the Sink Socket plugin to a channel name devices
"script": "${path_state_persistent}/netify-proc-python.python"
import sys
import npp
import json
import time
import math
def ProcessFlowEvent(event, flow):
if event == 4:
# Filter on DNS
if flow["detected_protocol_name"] != "DNS":
fields = []
# Application
field = {}
field["application"] = flow["detected_application_name"]
field["protocol"] = flow["detected_protocol_name"]
field["hostname"] = flow["host_server_name"]
# Local Address
if flow["origin"] == 1:
addr = flow["lower_addr"] + ":" + str(flow["lower_port"])
addr = flow["upper_addr"] + ":" + str(flow["upper_port"])
field["local_address"] = addr
# Remote Address
if flow["origin"] == 1:
addr = flow["upper_addr"] + ":" + str(flow["upper_port"])
addr = flow["lower_addr"] + ":" + str(flow["lower_port"])
field["remote_address"] = addr
field["last_seen"] = flow["last_seen_at"]
npp.dispatch("sink-log", [ "dns" ],
json.dumps(fields), 1, 0)