Google Edge CDN - Platform Information

Platform Information

The following page provides information on the networks and points-of-presence for the Google Edge CDN.


Google Edge CDN - Logo

Google Edge CDN is a content delivery network that delivers YouTube and other media content. The service includes Google Global Cache (GGC) - Google-managed infrastructure deployed inside Google and ISP partner networks.

Category CDN
Web Link Home Page

Manage Bandwidth

Do you know how much Google Edge CDN traffic flows through your network? Netify's application detection engine and reporting provides insights to help manage your network.

What gets measured, gets managed.

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Applications Using Google Edge CDN

Google Edge CDN is dedicated to delivering the YouTube application.

Google Edge CDN Edge Network

Google Edge CDN is one of a handful of content delivery networks that deploys network infrastructure inside partner ISPs and other network providers. More detailed information - ASNs, points-of-presence (PoP), network blocks - can be found on the Google Edge CDN Edge Network page.

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