Netify DPI - Log Plugin

The Netify Log Plugin is a free and open-source plugin for the Netify Agent. The plugin can be used to send metadata to log files.

- How It Works
- Installing Netifyd
- Network Interface Configuration or Packet Capture Files
- At least one processor plugin


The Log Plugin is installed as a separate package. Please see the installing Netifyd documentation for details for your particular operating system.


To enable the Log Plugin, please make sure the enable parameter in /etc/netifyd/plugins.d/10-netify-sink-log.conf is set to yes.

# /etc/netifyd/plugins.d/10-netify-sink-log.conf

enable = yes

Further Reading



Evaluate Netify DPI

Do you want to get started with evaluating Netify DPI? Request the Integrators Kit today.

Integrators Kit