Netify Sink MQTT Plugin
MQTT is used for enabling efficient, scalable, and reliable communication where lightweight, asynchronous messaging is required to connect diverse devices and systems.
Netify Message Queue (MQTT) Plugin is a proprietary plugin requiring a license. Please contact us for details.
Netify plugins are packaged in the same workflow as the agent and can usually be installed using a similar syntax that was implemented during the installation of the Netify agent. Exceptions to this rule occur when the plugin requires a Software License Agreement or if an upgrade or downgrade to a different version of the plugin is required.
Alma Linux
Alma Linux 9
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-sink-mqtt_1.0.38-1.os9.x86_64.rpm
Alma Linux 8
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
yum install ./netify-sink-mqtt_1.0.38-1.os8.x86_64.rpm
Debian 13 (Bookworm)
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-sink-mqtt_1.0.38-1_amd64.deb
Debian 11 (Bullseye)
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-sink-mqtt_1.0.38-1_amd64.deb
Debian 10 (Buster)
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-sink-mqtt_1.0.38-1_amd64.deb
OpenWRT 23.05
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
pkg add
OpenWRT 22.03
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
pkg add
OpenWRT 21.02
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
pkg add
OpenWRT 19.07
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
pkg add
OPNsense 24.1 - Savvy Shark
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
pkg add,1.pkg
OPNsense 23.7 - Restless Roadrunner
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
pkg add,1.pkg
pfSense Plus 23.x
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
pkg add,1.pkg
pfSense CE 2.7.x
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
pkg add,1.pkg
Rocky Linux
Rocky Linux 9
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-sink-mqtt_1.0.38-1.os9.x86_64.rpm
Rocky Linux 8
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
yum install ./netify-sink-mqtt_1.0.38-1.os8.x86_64.rpm
openSUSE Linux
openSUSE Leap 15.5
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
zypper install ./netify-sink-mqtt_1.0.38-1.os15.5.x86_64.rpm
Ubuntu 24.04 - Noble
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-sink-mqtt_1.0.38-1_amd64.deb
Ubuntu 22.04 - Jammy
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-sink-mqtt_1.0.38-1_amd64.deb
Ubuntu 20.04 - Focal
The Netify Sink MQTT plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:
cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-sink-mqtt_1.0.38-1_amd64.deb
Plugin Loader Configuration
All plugins are disabled by default, and the Netify Sink MQTT plugin is no different. To enable:
netifyd --enable-plugin sink-mqtt
Alternatively, you can edit /etc/netifyd/plugins.d/10-netify-sink-mqtt.conf and set enable to yes.
# Netify Agent MQTT Sink Plugin Loader
# Copyright (C) 2023 eGloo Incorporated
enable = yes
plugin_library = /usr/lib64/
conf_filename = ${path_state_persistent}/netify-sink-mqtt.json
# vim: set ft=dosini :
Plugin Configuration
Once the plugin has been enabled, it can be configured using the defined JSON configuration file specified in the plugin loader configuration. Let's look at a configuration sample to review the syntax and parts of the file.
"host": "localhost",
"port": 1883,
"user": "nobody",
"pass": "secret",
"topic": "netify/${channel}/${uuid_agent}",
"message_qos": 1,
"message_retain": false
Property | host |
Description | MQTT hostname. |
Type | string |
Property | port |
Description | Port used to establish communication with the MQTT server. |
Type | unsigned |
Default | 1883 |
Property | user |
Description | Username to authenticate with to the MQTT server. |
Type | string |
Property | pass |
Description | Password to authenticate with to the MQTT server. |
Type | string |
Property | topic |
Description | Topic to publish messages to the queue. |
Type | string |
Property | message_qos |
Description | An agreement between the message sender and receiver that defines the level of delivery guarantee for a specific message. Valid options are
Type | unsigned |
Options | 0, 1, 2 |
Default | 1 |
Property | message_retain |
Description | Sending a retained messages mitigates uncertainty regarding message publication. By setting to true, subscribers can stay informed about the current state, even during periods of inactivity. |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
Channel Objects
The MQTT Sink's channel object list determines which instances to log to. In the example above, we are defining only one, the default
Let's take a closer look at the configuration.
Property | overwrite |
Description | See global section above. |
Type | boolean |
Property | log_path |
Description | See global section above. |
Type | string |
Property | log_name |
Description | A string that will be prepended to the filename that will include timestamps to denote the creation time. |
Type | string |
Connect to a local RabbitMQ MQTT server listening on port 1883.
"host": "localhost",
"port": 1883,
"topic": "netify/${channel}/${uuid_agent}"