Block Insecure Traffic - nftables
This example demonstrates how to use Netify's nftables engine to block network traffic using insecure encryption. This solution uses two tools to implement the cybersecurity policy:
- The Netify nftables engine in the Flow Actions Plugin
- nftables tables and rules
Getting Started
The nftables Integration is a part of the Netify Flow Actions Plugin - a premium add-on to the Netify Agent.
nftables can be used to implement bandwidth, firewall, and QoS solutions on routers, firewalls, and gateways. The Netify DPI nftables integration provides a way to create high-speed nftables sets based on any Netify deep packet inspection flow criteria. These sets can then be used to block, shape, mark, or perform other actions to network traffic.
You can also review alternative options for taking actions on DPI flow data - see the IP sets and connection tracking (CT) labels integrations for details.
Blocking Traffic with Weak Encryption
In the example below, we will be using the nftables Sets feature to drop weak TLS 1.1 encrypted connections. However, we will make an exception for connections from a legacy printer device at This solution uses two tools to implement the firewall blocking policy:
- The Netify nftables integration to label all TLS 1.1 connections, except from
- nftables rules to drop network traffic
Example Configuration
The netify-proc-flow-actions.json JSON configuration file provides a starting point for implementing our solution. See sidebar for the example configuration.
For this example, we use basic configurations to demonstrate a core feature. The Netify Flow Actions documentation provides more detailed information on the various parameters. Notably, the Flow Actions Plugin provides a very powerful expression language for pinpointing network traffic.
The actions block defines the traffic that needs to be identified. The criteria expressions are very powerful and flexible. In this case, TLS 1.1 (0x0302) encryption is our primary criteria, but we make an exception for our printer at When network traffic triggers this action, the defined targets (nftset.weakssl and log.weakssl) are executed.
The targets block defines which engine to use for the flow action. In our example, there are two targets defined:
- Logging
- nftables Sets
You can see the effects of this configuration in the next section.
# /etc/netifyd/netify-proc-flow-actions.json
"version": 1,
"actions": {
"weakssl": {
"criteria": "ip_nat == false && ssl_version == 0x0302;",
"targets": [
"exemptions": [
"targets": {
"nftset.weakssl": {
"target_type": "nftset",
"set_name": "weakssl"
"log.weakssl": {
"target_type": "log",
"prefix": "weakssl",
"interval": 10
"target_defaults": {
"nftset": {
"table_name": "netify",
"table_family": "inet",
"set_family": "*",
"type": [
"ttl": 120,
"managed": true,
"flush_on_create": true,
"flush_on_destroy": true
Example In Action
How do we test this setup? The web site provides a handy way to test old SSL versions and ciphers. The site provides a link to a web server running TLS 1.1 and other insecure configurations. Keep in mind, modern web browsers and command line tools may block insecure connections, so it can be tricky to trigger a TLS 1.1 connection.
With the configuration in place and Netify restarted, the nft command can be used to see the "nftables sets" being populated by the Flow Actions Plugin:
# nft -nn list table inet netify
table inet netify {
set weakssl.v4 {
type ipv4_addr . inet_proto . inet_service . ipv4_addr
size 65536
timeout 2m
elements = { . 6 . 1010 . expires 1m47s500ms }
Our desktop was caught connecting to ( using TLS 1.1. Bonus: port 1010 is used instead of the usual HTTPS port 443 - not an issue with Netify DPI. With this "nftables set" in place, an nftables firewall rule can be created to block the traffic.
The log target was also specified in our Netify Flow Actions configuration. In the /tmp directory, a log of TLS 1.1 events is available. These logs can be ingested or integrated into other workflows.
# jq . /tmp/weakssl-20221221-102846.json
"entries": [
"app_id": "0.netify.badssl",
"dst_addr": "",
"dst_port": 1011,
"proto_id": "91",
"src_addr": ""
"time_end": 1671636526,
"time_start": 1671636506
Evaluate Netify DPI
Do you want to get started with evaluating Netify DPI? Request the Integrators Kit today.
Integrators Kit