Netify Flow Actions Processor Plugin


The Flow Actions Plugin for the Netify DPI Agent applies user-defined criteria to new flow detections in near real-time. Matching flows are passed to one or more Action Targets for further processing.

Flow Actions

The main purpose of the Flow Actions plugin is to provide a high-speed interface to other Operating System components that can empower policy enforcement, traffic control, and/or network auditing/logging applications.

The plugin provides a modular design where target types can be disabled at compile time to provide the smallest footprint possible. The Actions, Targets, and global settings are configured by a JSON file which can be reloaded at any time by sending a reload (HUP) signal to the main Netify Agent process. Action criteria are configured using either a simple or advanced syntax. Simple syntax selects flows by application, protocol, or category IDs or tags only. Advanced syntax executes user-defined Flow Criteria expressions. These expressions can operate over all available flow metadata to precisely control how individual flows are evaluated.

The diagram illustrates the flow execution path and the relationships between Agent, Plugin (Action Criteria/Targets), and Operating System components.


Netify Flow Actions Plugin is a proprietary plugin requiring a license. Please contact us for details.


Netify plugins are packaged in the same workflow as the agent and can usually be installed using a similar syntax that was implemented during the installation of the Netify agent. Exceptions to this rule occur when the plugin requires a Software License Agreement or if an upgrade or downgrade to a different version of the plugin is required.

Plugins are compiled against specific Netify agent versions and require ABI compatibility. Click here for more information.
Download URLs in the commands below for example only and version specific. Use a browser to navigate to the repository to find and copy the package you wish to install.

Alma Linux

Alma Linux 9

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-proc-flow-actions_1.0.66-1.os9.x86_64.rpm
Alma Linux 8

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

cd /tmp/
yum install ./netify-proc-flow-actions_1.0.66-1.os8.x86_64.rpm


Debian 13 (Bookworm)

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-proc-flow-actions_1.0.66-1_amd64.deb
Debian 11 (Bullseye)

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-proc-flow-actions_1.0.66-1_amd64.deb
Debian 10 (Buster)

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-proc-flow-actions_1.0.66-1_amd64.deb


OpenWRT 23.05

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

pkg add
OpenWRT 22.03

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

pkg add
OpenWRT 21.02

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

pkg add
OpenWRT 19.07

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

pkg add


OPNsense 24.1 - Savvy Shark

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

pkg add,1.pkg
OPNsense 23.7 - Restless Roadrunner

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

pkg add,1.pkg


pfSense Plus 23.x

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

pkg add,1.pkg
pfSense CE 2.7.x

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

pkg add,1.pkg

Rocky Linux

Rocky Linux 9

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-proc-flow-actions_1.0.66-1.os9.x86_64.rpm
Rocky Linux 8

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

cd /tmp/
yum install ./netify-proc-flow-actions_1.0.66-1.os8.x86_64.rpm

openSUSE Linux

openSUSE Leap 15.5

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

cd /tmp/
zypper install ./netify-proc-flow-actions_1.0.66-1.os15.5.x86_64.rpm


Ubuntu 22.04 - Jammy

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-proc-flow-actions_1.0.66-1_amd64.deb
Ubuntu 20.04 - Focal

The Netify Flow Actions plugin is a licensed (proprietary) plugin. Instructions to access this plugin will have been provided to you by a Netify representative. Typically, the package will be available via a web link with Basic authentication protection. Example:

cd /tmp/
apt install ./netify-proc-flow-actions_1.0.66-1_amd64.deb


Plugin Loader Configuration

All plugins are disabled by default, and the Netify Flow Actions plugin is no different. To enable:

netifyd --enable-plugin proc-nfa
A plugin can also be disabled in this way by substituting --disable-plugin.

Alternatively, you can edit /etc/netifyd/plugins.d/10-netify-proc-flow-actions.conf and set enable to yes.

# Netify Flow Actions Processor Plugin Loader
# Copyright (C) 2023 eGloo Incorporated

enable = yes
plugin_library = /usr/lib64/
conf_filename = ${path_state_persistent}/netify-proc-flow-actions.json

# vim: set ft=dosini :

As can be seen from the file layout, it's possible to run the plugin with as many instances as needed, all using different configuration files to modify the behaviour. A scenario where this fidelity might be desirable is if a network admin wanted to treat two (or more) groups of devices very differently in terms of traffic flow policy enforcement.

# Netify Flow Actions Processor Plugin Loader
# Copyright (C) 2023 eGloo Incorporated

enable = yes
plugin_library = /usr/lib64/
conf_filename = ${path_state_persistent}/netify-proc-flow-actions-ot.json

enable = yes
plugin_library = /usr/lib64/
conf_filename = ${path_state_persistent}/netify-proc-flow-actions-it.json

# vim: set ft=dosini :

In the example above, we have created two distinct instances of the Flow Actions plugin, one for a group of devices in "IT" and the other specifically for "OT" devices. As can be seen from the configuration file sample, the IT and OT will use completely separate files to manage the configuration, presumably with expressions matching src IP's that group devices on the network into the correct IT or OT class.

Plugin Configuration

Once the plugin has been enabled, it can be configured using the JSON configuration file specified in the plugin loader configuration. Let's look at a configuration sample to review the syntax and parts of the file.

    "version": 1,
    "targets": {
        "": {
            "target_type": "log",
            "target_enabled": false,
            "prefix": "netify-games",
            "interval": 60
        "log.external": {
            "target_type": "log",
            "target_enabled": false,
            "prefix": "netify-external",
            "interval": 60
        "": {
            "target_type": "sink",
            "target_enabled": false,
            "sink": "sink-socket",
            "channel": "default",
            "flow_events": "new | updated | expired",
            "format": "json",
            "compressor": "none"
        "": {
            "target_type": "ipset",
            "target_enabled": false,
            "set_name": "",
            "set_family": "ipv4",
            "type": "hash:ip,port,ip",
            "ttl": 60,
            "flush_on_destroy": true
        "": {
            "target_type": "ctlabel",
            "target_enabled": false,
            "auto_label": true
        "": {
            "target_type": "ctlabel",
            "target_enabled": false,
            "auto_label": false,
            "labels": [
        "": {
            "target_type": "nftset",
            "target_enabled": false,
            "set_name": "",
            "set_family": "ipv4",
            "type": [
            "ttl": 60,
            "flush_on_create": true
        "": {
            "target_type": "pftable",
            "target_enabled": false,
            "table_name": "",
            "address_type": "other",
            "ttl": 60,
            "managed": true
    "target_defaults": {
        "log": {
            "path": "/tmp",
            "prefix": "netify-flow-actions",
            "suffix": ".json",
            "interval": 300
        "ipset": {
            "set_family": "*",
            "ttl": 600
        "nftset": {
            "table_name": "netify",
            "table_family": "inet",
            "size":  65535,
            "ttl": 300,
            "managed": true,
            "flush_on_destroy": true
        "pftable": {
            "target_type": "pftable",
            "anchor_name": "*",
            "address_type": "other"
        "sink": {
            "flow_events": "new",
            "format": "json",
            "compressor": "none"
    "target_globals": {
        "ctlabel": {
            "max_bits": 127,
            "connlabel_conf": "/etc/xtables/connlabel.conf"
        "pftable": {
            "device": "/dev/pf"
    "actions": {
        "games": {
            "enabled": false,
            "interface": "*",
            "criteria": [
                "category == 'games';",
            "targets": [
            "exemptions": [
                "app == '';"
            "halt_on_match": true
        "external": {
            "enabled": false,
            "interface": "*",
            "criteria": [
            "targets": [
        "auto_label": {
            "enabled": true,
            "interface": "lan",
            "criteria": "*",
            "targets": [
    "exemptions": [
        "protocol == 'dns';"

Actions set the criteria that will be evaluated against each flow detection. The evaluation happens after the DPI processing of the flow has been completed, and subsequently again if the flow's metadata has been updated. If the action's criteria match, the specified action targets are called.

Each action must reference at least one target. There is no limit to the number of targets an action can reference.

Action Properties
Property enabled
Description Actions can be individually enabled or disabled.
Type boolean
Default true
Property interface
Description Filter flows by interface or interface role. Specify an interface name, such as: eth0, or the interface's role, which can be either lan or wan. If an asterisk (*) is used, the Flow actions will be performed across all listening interfaces.
Type string
Default *
Property criteria
Description The criteria property is mandatory and defines either the application, protocol, or category ID/tag to filter on, or a full expression which can evaluate a flow using any of the available metadata.
Type string
Property exemptions
Description Exemptions are optional and can be thought of as the inverse of criteria. Usually they are employed to filter out certain hosts by address, however they can also be configured with an expression for more advanced exemption filtering.
Type string
Property targets
Description An array of one or more target names to call when a flow matches the action criteria.
Type array

Targets are called by actions when a given flow matches the specified criteria. Any number of actions can reference any other number of targets. Targets perform the tasks that their type implements, such as adding an address to an IP set or adding matching flow metadata to a log file.

The following action target types are supported:

Note: only a subset of these may be available, depending on licensing options and/or platform capabilities.
Name Platforms Description
log All The log target will write periodic JSON-formatted log files.
ipset Linux The ipset target adds to or updates user-defined ipsets that can then be referenced by various third-party firewall, QoS/QoE, and routing applications.
nftset Linux The nftset target adds to or updates user-defined nftsets that can then be referenced by various third-party firewall, QoS/QoE, and routing applications.
ctlabel Linux The ctlabel action target can be configured to apply user-defined Netfilter conntrack labels to match flows.
pftable FreeBSD The pftable action target can be used to manage pf tables. The pf device is made available by ensuring the kernel module has been loaded (kldload pf)
sink All Flow events that match an action's criteria can be dispatched to a sink plugin for further processing. For example, all new flow detections of a given category, such as games, could be sent to a local socket or message queue for another application to process.
Common Target Properties
Property ttl
Description The Plugin will then attempt to remove the matching element. Elements can be set to expire after a specified number of seconds by configuring the ttl property. Generally it is recommended to always set a ttl, to a fairly high value, such as 900 (15 minutes), to ensure the list of elements doesn't grow too large. Set the ttl to 0 to disable timed expiration.
Type unsigned
Default 60
Targets ipset, nftset, pftable
Property auto_expire
Description When enabled, the Agent will automatically notify the Plugin when a flow expires and an attempt will be made to remove the element from the set/table.
Type boolean
Default false
Targets ipset, nftset, pftable
Property managed
Description When the managed mode is enabled, the plugin will attempt to create the set/table if it doesn't exist.
Type boolean
Default false
Targets ipset, nftset, pftable
If you change the plugin's configuration, and existing sets/tables are present, you must manually destroy them for any new settings to take effect.
Property flush_on_create
Description When the managed mode is enabled and flush_on_create is enabled, the set/table will be flushed (cleared), on start-up if it exists.
Type boolean
Default false
Targets ipset, nftset, pftable
Property flush_on_destroy
Description When enabled, flush_on_destroy will flush (clear) all elements on shutdown. This option does not depend on managed mode being enabled.
Type boolean
Default false
Targets ipset, nftset, pftable
Log Target Properties
Property interval
Description The interval of time, in seconds, between log writes. A new file is created for each interval only if new flow data is collected (empty log files will not be created).
Type unsigned
Default 60
Property path
Description The full path of the desired log directory. New log files will be created here.
Type string
Default /tmp
Property prefix
Description The log filename prefix. New log files will begin with this identifier.
Type string
Default netify-flow-actions
Property suffix
Description The log filename suffix and/or extension. New log files will end with this identifier.
Type string
Default .json
ipset Target Properties

IP Sets are high-speed Linux kernel tables that are used to store lists of network addresses. More information about IP Sets can be found on the project website, or from the ipset man page.

Property set_name
Description The IP set name.
Type string
Property set_family
Description The IP family of the set. Values: ipv4, ipv6, or * for both. An IP family suffix will automatically be appended to the set's name. For example: social-media.v4
Type string
Default *
Property type
Description The IP set type. IP set types are comprised of a storage method and a datatype. Valid storage methods are: bitmap, hash, and list . The currently supported list of types are: ip, ip,port, ip,port,ip, and mac.
Type string
Default hash:ip
Property max_elements
Description The maximum number of elements that can be stored in the sets.
Type unsigned
Default 65536
Property ttl
Description The Agent will automatically notify the Plugin when a flow expires. The Plugin will then attempt to remove the matching element. However, elements can be set to auto-expire after a specified number of seconds by configuring the ttl property. Generally, it is recommended to always set a ttl, to a fairly high value, such as 900 (15 minutes), to ensure the set doesn't grow too large. Setting the ttl to 0 will disable auto-expiry.
Type unsigned
Default 0
Property skb_mark
Description Firewall mark as a hexadecimal string. When any of the skb_* options are set, and an appropriate firewall rule is present (a SET netfilter target with the --map- set argument), packets that match this IP set will have their corresponding socket buffer options set.
Type string
Property skb_mask
Description Corresponding mask to a specified skb_mark, as a hexadecimal string. If skb_mark is set, without a mask, the default value is: 0xffffffff
Type string
Property skb_prio
Description Traffic control tc class. The option has the format: MAJOR:MINOR.
Type string
Property skb_queue
Description Hardware queue ID, unsigned integer.
Type unsigned
Property managed
Description When the managed mode is enabled, the plugin will attempt to create the IP set if it doesn't exist. NOTE: If you change the plugin's configuration, and existing sets are present, you must manually destroy them in order for any new settings to take effect.
Type boolean
Default false
Property flush_on_create
Description When the managed mode is enabled and flush_on_create is enabled, the IP set will be flushed (cleared), on start-up if it exists.
Type boolean
Default false
Property flush_on_destroy
Description When enabled, flush_on_destroy will flush (clear) the IP set on shutdown. This option does not depend on managed mode being enabled.
Type boolean
Default false
nftset Target Properties
Property table_name
Description The table name that the NFT set is a member of.
Type string
Default nfa
Property table_family
Description The family of the table.
Type string
Default inet
Property set_name
Description The mandatory name of the NFT set.
Type string
Property set_family
Description The IP family of the set. Valid values are ipv4, ipv6, or * for both.
Type string
Default *
Property type
Description The set type is defined as an array of flow metadata fields. Rules that reference the NFT set must do so using the same field order that is defined here. The supported fields are:
  • local_mac
  • other_mac
  • local_addr
  • other_addr
  • local_port
  • other_port
  • mark
  • interface
Type array
Property max_elements
Description The maximum number of elements that can be stored in the NFT set.
Type unsigned
Default 65536
ctlabel Target Properties

The Netfilter Conntrack API provides an interface module for applying user-defined labels (bits) on a per-flow basis. Flow labels can be examined using the conntrack command from the conntrack-tools package. For example: conntrack -L -o labels

Property labels
Description The labels array contains one or more label bits or label names. All labels will be applied to all flows that reach the target.
Type array
Property auto_label
Description The target can parse prefixed label names from connlabels.conf which, when enabled, will automatically apply them to matching flows.The syntax for the label names is:- The prefix can be either a for application, or p for protocol. A hyphen delimits the from the name. The application and protocol names must have all forward-slashes replaced by hyphens. An example translation: Google/Meet/Duo -> a-google-meet-duo
Type array
Property log_errors
Description By default, errors are not logged to reduce processing overhead. When the Agent is in debug mode and log_errors is enabled, error messages will be displayed for flows that could not be labeled.
Type boolean
Default false

Flow Criteria / Expression Engine

The flow criteria (or expression engine) within the Flow Actions Plugin is one of its most versatile features. It allows integrators and administrators to craft rules with varying complexity.


Match All / Wildcard

The simplest form of expression is the 'match all flows', accomplished with the use of the asterisk (*) as follows:

    "criteria": "*"

An interface filter and/or exemptions can still be used to filter out flows when using a wildcard for the flow criteria.

Application and Protocol Matching

Once a flow has been classified by the agent's DPI engine, matching by either application or protocol is a common requirement. Using the syntax ai for Application matching and pi for Protocol matching, simple rules can be created. If desired, a flow criteria can be inverted through the use of the NOT operator: !. Matches can be made by tags or ID:

  • ai:facebook (is Facebook)
  • ai:netify.facebook (is Facebook)
  • ai:119 (is Facebook)
  • !ai:119 (is NOT Facebook)
  • pi:dns (is DNS)
  • !pi:dns (is NOT DNS)
  • pi:5 (is DNS)
Supported application and protocol tags and IDs can be listed using the --dump-apps and --dump-protos arguments. For more information, see the command line arguments documentation.
    "criteria": "ai:facebook"
Both applications and protocols are grouped into categories in Netify. Categories can also be used in the creation of expressions:
  • ac:vpn-and-proxy (is VPN and Proxy Category)
  • ac:31 (is VPN and Proxy Category)
  • pc:games (is Games Category)
  • !pc:5 (is NOT Games Category)
Category lists can be obtained using the --dump-categories argument. For more information, see the command line arguments documentation.
    "criteria": "!pc:games"

Advanced Expressions

Expressions are syntactically similar to C-based programming languages. They operate on flow criteria, for example: local_ip, remote_port, protocol, application_category, etc. Expressions must be terminated by a semicolon and all string types must be enclosed within single quotes: '...'.

Comparison Operators

  • Equal to: ==
  • Not equal to: !=
  • Greater than: >
  • Greater than or equal to: >=
  • Less than: <
  • Less than or equal to: <=

Boolean Operators

  • NOT: !
  • AND: &&, and
  • OR: ||, or

Group expressions with round brackets to control evaluation precedence.

Flow Criteria
Property ip_version
Description IP version. Valid values are 4 for IPv4, and 6 for IPv6.
Type unsigned
Property ip_protocol
Description Internet protocol ID. Example, 6 for TCP.
Type unsigned
Property ip_nat
Description When supported (Linux-only) and for external (WAN) interfaces only. The NAT flag is set if the flow is found in the connection tracking table.
Type boolean
Property vlan_id
Description Virtual LAN (VLAN) ID.
Type unsigned
Property other_type
Description The 'other' address constants are:
  • other_local: The address is a local address
  • other_remote: The address is from a remote (WAN) network
  • other_multicast: The 'other' address is a multicast address
  • other_broadcast: The 'other' address is a broadcast address
  • other_unknown: The address type could not be determined
  • other_unsupported: The method to determine the address type is unsupported
  • other_error: An error occurred while trying to determine the 'other' address type
Type constant
Property local_mac
Description Local MAC address in the format: 01:02:03:ab:cd:ef
Type string
Property other_mac
Description Other MAC address in the format: 01:02:03:ab:cd:ef
Type string
Property local_ip
Description Local IP address or CIDR notation in either IPv4 or IPv6
Type string
Property other_ip
Description Other IP address or CIDR notation in either IPv4 or IPv6
Type string
Property local_port
Description Local port, when applicable, depending on ip_protocol
Type unsigned
Property other_port
Description Other port, when applicable, depending on ip_protocol
Type string
Property origin
Description The origin end-point of the flow (which side, local or other, initiated the packet flow). Possible values:
  • origin_local: The 'local' end-point initiated the flow
  • origin_remote: The 'other' end-point initiated the flow
  • origin_unknown: The origin could not be reliably determined
Type constant
Property tunnel_type
Description If the flow contains encapsulated data that could be identified and extracted (not encrypted), such as GTP, the tunnel_type will be set according to the following values:
  • tunnel_none: No encapsulation detected
  • tunnel_gtp: GTP encapsulation detected (GPRS)
Type string
Property local_mac
Description Local MAC address in the format: 01:02:03:ab:cd:ef
Type string
Property fwmark
Description When available and on supported platforms (Linux-only), the connection tracking mark value
Type unsigned
Property detection_guessed
Description If the protocol could not be determined via packet analysis, an attempt to 'guess' the protocol is made using various methods such as the port address(es)
Type boolean
Property application
Description The detected application tag
Type string
Property application_id
Description The detected application ID
Type unsigned
Property application_category
Description The detected application category
Type unsigned
Property protocol
Description The detected protocol tag
Type string
Property protocol_id
Description The detected protocol ID
Type unsigned
Property protocol_category
Description The detected protocol category
Type unsigned
Property category
Description The category criteria is a hybrid evaluation where both the application_category and the domain_category are tested, eliminating the need to write two statements
Type string
Property domain_category
Description If one or more custom domain category lists have been configured, matches from them can be explicitly tested for using domain_category
Type string
Property risks
Description The detected risk
Type string
Property ndpi_risk_score
Description The risk score as detected by the nDPI library
Type unsigned
Property ndpi_risk_client
Description The individual nDPI risk score for the client-side
Type unsigned
Property ndpi_risk_server
Description The individual nDPI risk score for the server-side
Type unsigned
Property detected_hostname
Description The detected hostname, which can be extracted from a variety of protocols
Type string
Property ssl_version
Description For detected TLS flows, the SSL/TLS version can be tested. The values are usually represented using hexadecimal values, for example, TLS v1.3 would be: 0x0303
Type string
Property ssl_cipher
Description For detected TLS flows, the SSL/TLS negotiated cipher can be tested. The values are usually represented using hexadecimal values, for example TLS v1.3 would be: 0x0303
Type string
Flow Criteria Examples

Note how the other_local is not in single quotes due to it being matched against a constant.

"criteria": "other_type == other_local && (app_category == 'voip' || protocol_category == 'voip');"

Multiple expressions can be joined in an implicit OR statement by setting the criteria to an array.

"criteria": [
    "application == 'facebook';",
    "application == 'youtube';",
    "application == 'twitter';"

Specifying the criteria as a folder pathname causes individual 'configlets' within the folder to be parsed and used as the criteria.

"criteria": "${path_state_persistent}/nfa-games.d"
In this case, we could drop in the following configlets that define individual games we might want to group:
app == 'netify.rockstar-games';
app == 'netify.epic-games';
app == 'netify.ea-games';
With this type of configuration, any match on any of the configlet criteria rules would trigger the associated action.


OSI Model The Netify Flow Actions plugin provides the mechanism for translating from Layer 7 classifications to Layer 3 control. The plugin supports the following targets:

  • IP sets
  • nftables sets
  • aliases (BSD)
  • Connection Tracking (CT) Labels
  • Logging


The examples below show what is possible with Netify agent and the Flow Actions processor plugin when the agent is running on a hardware or virtual instance processing realtime packets on the data plane.

If you are interested in a 30-minute consultation demonstrating this functionality, please contact us to arrange a video conference call.

Block Adult Content with iptables

The example for blocking adult content will demonstrate three core concepts around expressions that can be created with Netify Flow Actions plugin:

  • Application matching
  • Category matching along with management of a categories.d list
  • IP based exemption
It will also demonstrate the use of ipset action as a target action for an iptables block rule.

Enabling the Flow Actions Plugin

All plugins are disabled by default. Enable the Flow Actions plugin using either of the two methods below.

1. Use netifyd.

netifyd --enable-plugin proc-nfa
A plugin can also be disabled in this way by substituting --disable-plugin.

2. Edit the plugin's configuration file.

sudo vi /etc/netifyd/plugins.d/10-netify-proc-flow-actions.conf
Set the enable attribute to yes.

Configuring Flow Actions Plugin

With the plugin enabled, the next step is to modify the configuration file, /etc/netifyd/netify-proc-flow-actions.json. For this specific example, we'll drop in a full sample config and review each of the lines for their purpose.

    "version": 1,
    "target_defaults": {
        "log": {
            "path": "/tmp",
            "prefix": "netify-flow-actions",
            "suffix": ".json",
            "interval": 300
        "ipset": {
            "set_family": "*",
            "ttl": 600
    "targets": {
        "log.block": {
            "target_type": "log",
            "target_enabled": true,
            "prefix": "netify-block",
            "interval": 60
        "ipset.block": {
            "target_type": "ipset",
            "set_name": "nfa.block",
            "set_family": "ipv4",
            "type": "hash:ip,port,ip",
            "managed": true,
            "ttl": 60,
            "auto_expire": true,
            "flush_on_destroy": true
    "actions": {
        "10-adult": {
            "enabled": true,
            "interface": "*",
            "criteria": [
                "category == 'adult';"
            "targets": [
    "exemptions": [
        "protocol == 'dns';"

The version is a way to maintain compatibility across upgrades. There has been no requirement to issue another version of the JSON configuration format at this time, so it is safe to leave this at version 1.

The target_defaults directive is a set of defaults that will apply to all target definitions found in the configuration file. These attributes can be overridden in the individual sections.

The log target type will have these attributes applied if an override is not set.

  • path - the path the log file will be saved to
  • prefix - the prefix to apply to the log file
  • suffix - the suffix to apply to the log file
  • interval - the time (in seconds) to aggregate data sent to the log file
With these default settings, you can expect a log file will be created similar to this:
Where the numerical part of the filename is the YYYYMMDD-hhmmss, which, in the example above would include any events between 9:15 and 9:20 AM on March 27, 2024 (300 seconds or 5 minutes).

The ipset target type will have these attributes applied if an override is not set.

  • set_family - an asterisk (*) denotes all set families, but ipv4 and ipv6 can be defined explicitly if desired
  • ttl - Time to Live (TTL) configures how long members added to the ipset exist before being flushed out automatically
Any time a flow match is identified, the ipset TTL will automatically reset to the new point in time.

The target attribute is the start of defining one or more targets.

We define a log type target, with the key log.block that will be used in our action. We override some defaults.

We define an ipset type target, with the key ipset.block that will be used in our action. We override some defaults.

  • target_type - the type of target, in this case, ipset
  • set_family - the ipset family, either ipv4 or ipv6
  • type - the ipset type - this must match the ipset created manually if managed is not set to true
  • managed - if true, the ipset will be created automatically when the Netify daemon starts or is restarted
  • auto_expire - if set to true, a member will be automatically flushed when a flow purge event is triggered
  • flush_on_destroy - removes all members from the ipset if Netify is restarted or stopped

The actions attribute is the start of defining one or more actions.

We define an action that sets the criteria that will be evaluated against each flow detection. One or more actions can be defined. In the example above, we create a single action, keyed on the name 10-adult.

  • enabled - by setting to true, we have enabled the action
  • interface - by setting to *, we are matching on every interface Netify is listening on. Performance improvements can be gained if limiting the interface to only those required. Aside from all (*), an interface name, such as: eth0, or the interface's role, which can be either lan or wan, can be specified.
  • criteria - any flow matching the adult category will be sent to the target for processing
  • targets - on a match, what target(s) will be processed. The target names, in this case, log.block and log.ipset must be defined by a key in the targets section of the same JSON file.

Global exemptions are specified outside any action block. The Global Exemptions array is the ideal location to filter critical infrastructure and traffic from entering policy controls, like matching a DROP target. In this example, we exempt any DNS protocol from matching a pattern as well as flows originating from the host iteself.

Flow Actions Plugin in Action

Since our configuration is using ipset, we need to make sure this new dependency is installed. In addition, we made changes to our configuration - we restart the Netify agent for the changes to be implemented.

apt update
apt install ipset
systemctl restart netifyd

Recall, our configuration has the ipset target set to managed. After restart, verify the ipset exists:

ipset -L
Name: nfa.block.v4
Type: hash:ip,port,ip
Revision: 5
Header: family inet hashsize 1024 maxelem 65536 timeout 60 skbinfo
Size in memory: 200
References: 0
Number of entries: 0

Notice there are currently no members. We can quickly change that by making a cURL request to a popular adult website.

ipset -L
Name: nfa.block.v4
Type: hash:ip,port,ip
Revision: 5
Header: family inet hashsize 1024 maxelem 65536 timeout 60 skbinfo
Size in memory: 392
References: 0
Number of entries: 1
Members:,tcp:443, timeout 54

Layer 7 to Layer 3 mapping is now complete, and with that, it is time to add the last element - an iptables firewall rule to perform our action on the matched set. Normally, this rule would be added to the FORWARD chain like this:

iptables -t filter -A FOWARD -m set --match-set nfa.block.v4 dst,dst,src  -j DROP
In addition to ensuring the ipset name is matched, note the hash type match as well (dst,dst,src) which matches our Netify Flow Actions hash type definition of ip,port,ip.
If you are 'kicking the tires' and evaluating this plugin on a non-gateway device, you would want the rule to apply to packets originating from the local process / host. In that case, apply the same rule format to the OUTPUT chain.
iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -m set --match-set nfa.block.v4 dst,dst,src  -j DROP

Throttling/QoS with Traffic Control (tc)

The example for applying a throttle will demonstrate the core concept around expressions that can be created with Netify Flow Actions plugin:

  • Flow Actions "dot-d" folders
It will also demonstrate the use of ipset action as a target action for an iptables rule the implements traffic control (tc) rules.

Enabling the Flow Actions Plugin

All plugins are disabled by default. Enable the Flow Actions plugin:

netifyd --enable-plugin proc-nfa

Configuring Flow Actions Plugin

With the plugin enabled, the next step is to modify the configuration file, /etc/netifyd/netify-proc-flow-actions.json. For this specific example, we'll drop in a full sample config and review each of the lines for their purpose.

    "version": 1,
    "targets": {
        "ipset.throttle": {
            "target_type": "ipset",
            "set_name": "nfa.throttle",
            "set_family": "ipv4",
            "type": "hash:ip,port,ip",
            "managed": true,
            "ttl": 60,
            "auto_expire": true,
            "flush_on_destroy": true
    "actions": {
        "throttled": {
            "enabled": true,
            "interface": "*",
            "criteria": [
            "targets": [

In this example, notice how our criteria isn't specified by matching on applications categories or any other attribute of the flow. Instead, we have defined a folder, in this case, /etc/netifyd/nfa-throttle.d.

During startup or on receiving a HUP command, the agent will parse any configlets found in this folder. The convenience and power this model provides should not be underestimated, especially when making modifications programmatically. A UX developer can simply drop and remove (or disable) individual configlet files to tailor a solution. To see how that would work, run:

echo "app == '';" > /etc/netifyd//nfa-throttle.d/10-netflix.conf
systemctl reload netifyd

What we've just done is echo out valid criteria to match any flows with application matching to a configlet that we can easily recognize the purpose of. By sending a HUP, the Netify Agent, and by proxy, the Flow Actions plugin has parsed the new configlet and incorporated it into the processing engine. If we then ran:

echo "app == '';" > /etc/netifyd/nfa-throttle.d/10-youtube.conf
systemctl reload netifyd

We would now be matching on both Netflix and YouTube traffic. To undo a change, we could do either of the following:

rm -rf /etc/netifyd/nfa-throttle/10-netflix.conf
systemctl reload netifyd


mv /etc/netifyd/nfa-throttle/10-netflix.conf /etc/netifyd/nfa-throttle/10-netflix.conf.disabled
systemctl reload netifyd

Until now, we would have an ipset called nfa.throttle.v4, but we don't have any actions on the ipset. Let's change that now. Create a file named netify.throttle and add the following:

export LAN=eth1
tc qdisc add dev $LAN root handle 1: htb default 20
tc class add dev $LAN parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 500kbit burst 500k
tc filter add dev $LAN protocol ip parent 1: prio 1 handle 6 fw flowid 1:1
tc -p -s -d  qdisc show dev $LAN
iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -m set --match-set nfa.throttle.v4 dst,dst,src  -j MARK --set-mark 6
iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -m set --match-set nfa.throttle.v4 dst,dst,src  -j MARK --set-mark 6

Note, the OUTPUT rule above is only needed if you are 'kicking the tires' and evaluating this plugin on a non-gateway device. It will apply to packets originating from the local process / host.

Also note, that within the script is the interface name for the LAN interface. Set this according to your environment. For example, on OpenWRT standard installs, it would be export LAN=br-lan.

We have now implemented a throttling rule of 500kbps using Hierarchy Token Bucket (HTB) within a traffic control (tc) class. The iptables rules in place are designed to mark packets which are then filtered and shaped accordingly. You can confirm that shaping is occurring by looking at the tcstats:

export LAN=eth1
tc -p -s -d  qdisc show dev $LAN
and, of course, by using Netflix or will experience a sluggish load time and a downgrade in the video quality due to the throttling.

Next Steps

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