Netify DPI - Core Processor

The Netify Core Processor is a free and open-source plugin for the Netify Agent. The processor ingests network traffic and transforms it into metadata.

This data can be sent to one or more of the output plugins available in Netify: Log, Socket, and Message Queue.

# Sample flow metadata from core processor
"detected_protocol_name": "HTTPS",
"detected_application_name": "netify.whatsapp",
"ssl": {
  "alpn": [
  "alpn_server": [],
  "version": "0x0303",
  "cipher_suite": "0xc02b",
  "client_sni": "",
  "server_cn": "*",
  "client_ja3": "d8c87b9bfde38897979e4124262...",
  "server_ja3": "6e15a5bf660856fa03186247ca4...",
  "issuer_dn": "C=US, O=DigiCert Inc, OU=www...",
  "subject_dn": "C=US, ST=California, L=Menlo..."
... and many more ...


The Core Plugin is installed as a separate package. Please see the installing Netifyd documentation for details for your particular operating system.


To enable the Core Plugin, please make sure the enable parameter in /etc/netifyd/plugins.d/10-netify-proc-core.conf is set to yes.

# /etc/netifyd/plugins.d/10-netify-proc-core.conf

enable = yes

Next, we must configure an output plugin to send the metadata somewhere! The configuration below provides an example for sending data out through the Socket Plugin. The example below is sending data to both the local Unix socket as well as the TCP socket on port 1750. Typically, you would only configure one of these options.

# /etc/netifyd/netify-proc-core.json
   "format": "json",
   "compressor": "none",
   "sinks": {
      "sink-socket": {
         "default": {
             "enable": true,
             "types": [ "stream-flows", "stream-stats" ]
          "tcp": {
             "enable": true,
             "types": [ "stream-flows", "stream-stats" ]
      "sink-mqtt": {
         "flows": {
            "enable": false,
            "types": [ "stream-flows" ]
         "stats": {
            "enable": false,
            "types": [ "stream-stats" ]

What data can you stream to the socket? There are two types of processors: stream-flows and stream-stats.

As soon as a flow is identified, the stream-flows type provides details on detected flows: applications, protocols, ports, etc.

The stream-stats type provides bandwidth statistics and key performance indicators for detected flows every 15 seconds (configurable).

You can find more information on the metadata formats in the flow data format documentation.

After making configuration changes, the Netify DPI Agent must be restarted.

Further Reading



Evaluate Netify DPI

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