Firewalla - MAC Address Info

MAC Address Brand

The following page provides details on the MAC addresses and prefixes registered by Firewalla.

Firewalla - Logo

Firewalla is an all-in-one intelligent firewall that connects to your router and secures all of your digital things. It can protect your family and business from cyber threats, block ads, control kids' internet usage, and more.

Brand Firewalla
Category Cybersecurity
Web Link Firewalla - Home Page

MAC Addresses

The MAC address information is available as an alternative to our device discovery integration. Contact us for access to the dataset.

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You can find MAC address daily updates and brand information in the MAC Address Data Feed.

MAC Prefix List

Netify vs. IEEE OUI Official Name
The IEEE OUI official organization name comes directly from In addition to the verbose legal suffixes (e.g. Co. Limited), there are some inconsistencies in punctation, capitalization, spacing, and styling. We provide a more user-friendly Netify Vendor Name as an alternative.
Scope: Global vs Unique
MAC addresses can be a globally unique address (i.e. there's only one on the entire planet), or a randomized local address. Most IoT, media, and industrial devices use globally unique addresses. However, many mobiles, tablets, and laptops use local randomized MAC addresses to maintain privacy on public networks.
Prefix Type Scope Country Netify Vendor Name IEEE OUI Official Name
20:6D:31 MA-L Global   United States Firewalla FIREWALLA INC

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