Alibaba CDN

The following page provides details on the Alibaba CDN content delivery network (CDN): network maps, network ranges, PoPs, IPs, ASNs and applications.

What Is Alibaba CDN?

Alibaba CDN - Logo

Alibaba CDN is a content delivery network services company that is part of the Alibaba Cloud solution. The company provides video, image, software and other file delivery to locations around the globe.

Category CDN
Web Link Home Page

Network Intelligence

The network data shown here is also available via the Netify Data Feed API. We provide network intelligence to help deliver better digital experiences to end users and businesses.

Netify Data Feeds

Alibaba CDN - Active Applications

Name Category  
Weibo - Logo Weibo Social Media App Info
Steam - Logo Steam Games App Info
LinkedIn - Logo LinkedIn Social Media App Info
Bluestacks - Logo Bluestacks Games App Info
Baidu - Logo Baidu Portal App Info
Taobao - Logo Taobao Shopping App Info

... and 48 more

The adjacent list of applications are deployed on Alibaba CDN.

Alibaba CDN - Network Map

Alibaba CDN systems are deployed across 35 countries and territories on 9,316 IPs.

Network Map
Cities 108
Countries 35
Networks 8
ASNs 112
IP Info
Total IPs 9,316
IPv4 7,822
IPv6 1,494
Routes 792

Please note: a single Alibaba CDN server can host several IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. In addition, IPs are often rotated in and out of service. If an IP has been inactive for awhile, it is removed from the data set.

The data on this web page is published once or twice a month, but the Netify Data Feed is updated hourly or daily.

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