Yandex - Network

The following page provides details on the network ranges, IPs, ASNs and points-of-presence (PoPs) for Yandex.

What Is Yandex?

Yandex - Logo

Yandex is an AI company that provides search and information services, eCommerce, transportation, navigation, and other mobile applications in addition to offering online advertising.

Category Portal
Web Link Home Page

Networks and PoPs

The network and PoP data shown here is available in our Netify Data Feeds solution. The data is accessible via our IP API as well as downloadable datasets.

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Yandex - Network Ranges

IPv4 Network Ranges

  • and 106 more

IPv6 Network Ranges

  • 2a0e:fd80:800::/39
  • 2a0e:fd80:1000::/36
  • 2a0e:fd80:2000::/35
  • and 82 more
Network Ranges and Routes
The networks listed here are low-level detailed routes - either BGP or internal.

Yandex - ASNs

AS208722 Global DC Oy (Yandex Finland)
AS208398 Teletech Beograd (Yandex Serbia)
AS13238 Yandex
and 1 more
What is an ASN?
An Autonomous System Number (ASN) is a unique identifier assigned to a collection of IP networks managed by an organization.

Yandex - Active Applications

Name Category  
Yandex - Logo Yandex Portal App Info
Ubuntu - Logo Ubuntu OS/Software Updates App Info
Yandex Bot - Logo Yandex Bot Portal App Info
Yandex Ads - Logo Yandex Ads Advertiser App Info
The adjacent list of applications are deployed on the Yandex network.

Yandex - Network Map

Yandex is deployed across 2 cities in 2 countries and territories.

Cities 2
Countries 2
Continents 1
Total Ranges 194
IPv4 Ranges 109
IPv6 Ranges 85
Anycast Ranges 2
Only the locations of important networks exchanges and edge cache systems are provided.

Anycast makes it possible to route a single IP address to a variety of different geographic points-of-presence. Nifty.

Yandex - Points of Presence

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