Bandwidth and KPIs
Netify DPI - Bandwidth and KPIs
Netify DPI's bandwidth usage data gives a quick, easy way to see what's using bandwidth on the network, for what purpose, and from where.
Organizations will always have users or devices that consume more than their fair share of finite resources like bandwidth. It's the "80/20 rule," where 20 percent of users could eat up 80 percent of the bandwidth at any given time. Netify's flexible bandwidth data engine is used for network infrastructure planning, budgeting, and forecasting.
But that's only part of the story.
Netify also provides key performance indicators (KPIs) for detecting errors, unusual resets, denial-of-service behavior, and overall network efficiency.
Unusual bandwidth and performance activity - like sudden spikes in uploads or downloads at odd hours - can be a tell-tale sign of a potential cyber security breach or attack. This is where Netify DPI can help take action early and avoid significant issues later.
Further Reading
Netify Informatics is an optional solution that ingests raw data from Netify DPI, adds network intelligence, and provides reporting & APIs for high-level analysis.
Netify DPI's bandwidth and KPIs feature is used in Informatics bandwidth analysis.Integration and Custom Solutions
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