Netify Informatics Cloud Platform v2.0 Released
July 03, 2020
Netify Informatics Cloud Platform v2.0 is now available. The development team is happy to announce the immediate availability of the next major iteration of the Netify Cloud Informatics Platform.

Netify Informatics Cloud Platform
This is a cloud-based upgrade...other than making sure your Netify agent is up-to-date in order to take advantage of new features, this upgrade requires nothing to be done. Next time you login to the Netify Portal, your account will have already been migrated over to the new service.
New features include:
- a new theme/UX to improve navigation and convey information
- an event/alert engine
- IP reputation detection
- flow anomaly detection for HTTP
- discovery of insecure protocols
- server discovery
- VPN detection
For those that are looking to integrate Netify into their business workflows, Netify now supports a RESTful API.
The complimentary Netify Mobile app for Android and iPhone is also getting an upgrade. Receiving event notifications in realtime to your phone is only hold until upgrades to the mobile platforms become available later this month.
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