Zyxel Networks Integrates Netify Deep Packet Inspection Engine
November 28, 2021
Zyxel and eGloo sign licensing agreement to use Netify Deep Packet Inspection engine to power Application Patrol service in Zyxel security appliances.

Zyxel Networks Selects "Powered by Netify" DPI Solution for Next Generation Security Appliances
Zyxel believes that application visibility and control is an essential piece of network firewalls that should be affordable to all. eGloo's Netify licensing agreement allows Zyxel to integrate the Netify DPI agent along with policy control plugins and dynamic application updates across the entire Zyxel product line. eGloo will provide Zyxel with engineering services and support throughout the product life-cycle, ensuring security and signature updates along with evolving features are firmly integrated into Zyxe's CI/CD pipeline.
The result of the collaboration over the last year has been a seamless rollout of Zyxel's next-generation security appliances with Deep Packet Inspection application and protocol classification that is powered by the Netify solution.
To learn more about Zyxel's Application Patrol and line of security appliances, please visit Zyxel Networks.
For more information related to Netify, integrations and OEM-branded solutions, please contact hello@netify.ai.